Spork-Edible fork-Classic

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Spork-Edible fork-Classic

Sales unit (1 carton contains 1600 forks)
  • -€-247,33
  • Regular price €287,99
    (€287,99 / 1500g)
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    Edible Fork Classic - SPORK

    Edible spoons have been in our range for a long time. But now you can not only spoon your dishes sustainably, but also fork. With the edible fork, our spork (Spoon Fork). No moreUnnecessary single-use plastic.. Order our new ones nowEdible forks.

    OurAlternative to plastic cutleryIs100% biodegradableAnd edible! Perfect for hot and cold food, you can use the fork for up to 60 minutes and then eat it.

    💡Use our edible forks for example for salads, rice or pasta dishes and much more! Thanks to theNeutral flavorThe Edible Fork Classic also fitsSweet foods! When eating, the spork does not affect the taste thanks to its neutral recipe.

    After that, the edible fork can simplyAteOrBiologically disposed ofWill be. So with the spork you are soNo garbageAndDo something good for the environment!



    3 good reasons why you need the Edible Fork Classic for next season:

    • Single-use plastic has been in place since July 2021Prohibited.. High time for a really sustainable alternative and a novelty: our edible forks.
    • The Spork has thePerfect sizeOf 14 cm for hearty food.
    • Sustainability without sacrificing quality: Thanks to the stability of the fork, it does not soften on hot dishes and can be used like a classic fork. Just more sustainable♻️.



    More on the edible Sporks Classic

    TheEdibleFork is about 14cm tall.

    Are you looking for smaller forks or dessert spoons? Then discover our sustainableIce cream spoon and more.

    A neutral taste is less important to you and you love chocolate? Then lookHereOver, 'cause we still haveMore varieties!

    Do you have questions about our products or are you looking for dealer conditions? ThenContact usRight under sales@spoontainable.de. We are happy to help you!

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